How to hide Feedjit Live Stats

Feedjit Live is a very good, free widget to track your users - where they are from, how they got to your site, and which link did they click on your site to leave.

Unfortunately, having the widget showing will give your website audience or visitors a sense of uncomfort because they might think their privacy is being infiltrated (especially if you are selling stuffs online). But you still want to track where they come from and such! What should you do?

The Answer: Hide Feedjit at the background of your website.

I am going to show you how to do it.

Step 1 - type the code as shown on this image:

Step 2 - then just paste your feedjit code over, it should looked like the below:

And you're done! If you are still unclear about it, view the source code of this page. It is all the way at the bottom, before the closing body tag.

Now you can just track your visitors using the Feedjit's Real-Time tracker (http://Live.Feedjit.Com/Live/Type your Website URL here)